WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. PAGE ONE Community Investment Programme 2007 -2008 Introduction Communities are a vital part of the Cairngorms National Park and they can now be given assistance with the invaluable work they undertake. The Cairngorms National Park “Community Investment Programme” offers grants to communities who are contributing to the Park’s aims. Priority areas for Grant funding There are six priorities for grant funding in 2007/08. They are: • Ensuring a Park for All by strengthening community-based groups, increasing participation and supporting community enterprises linked to the natural and cultural heritage of the Park. Support will also be available to low-income, youth and disability groups who are seeking to visit and experience the Cairngorms. • Events and marketing of new ideas within the Park. Projects that create links across the Park, those which strongly promote the Park brand and those events which take place outwith peak season times will be especially welcome. • Biodiversity grants aim to tackle issues set out in the Cairngorms Local Biodiversity Action Plan including addressing lack of data and/or important information, raising awareness of biodiversity, direct habitat loss and fragmentation, inappropriate management, climate change, pollution, the control of non-native species and also objectives in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. • Interpretation to help groups share their enthusiasm for a place or subject. We hope grants will encourage people to share stories of the National Park in many different and exciting ways. • Outdoor access to support the upgrading of paths or structures like gates, stiles, signposts and way markers; to do a condition survey of local paths or develop an idea that encourages responsible behaviour in the outdoors. • Cultural Heritage to conserve, enhance and develop a sound knowledge and understanding of the archaeological and historic built heritage in the Park, as well as the cultural traditions of the area’s communities. Eligibility We want to encourage proposals that are imaginative and innovative, therefore the range of projects that may qualify is wide. Each of the grant priorities has its own more specific criteria. Applicants should therefore initially send a project outline to us describing your project idea and to get further advice (contact details overleaf). The Programme will be open to voluntary groups and organisations that demonstrate the following: • The group is governed by an elected committee with a written constitution or is a company limited by guarantee. • There are no restrictions on membership but a minimum of 10 supporters or volunteers is expected. • The group must normally operate within the National Park (with the exception of targeted groups under the Park for All priority and groups under the Biodiversity priority which applies also to some areas adjoining the Park). The Programme is also open to applications from business based associations who can demonstrate a wider community benefit. PAGE TWO Grants Available For projects up to £5,000, grants can cover up to 90% of the project cost (ie £4,500). For Biodiversity grants, the upper limit is 100% (ie up to £5,000 maximum). The minimum grant is £500. The remaining 10% of the project costs are expected to come from the group or from another funder. For information or help on other funding avenues please contact the CNPA. If your project is over £5,000 please contact Patricia Methven to discuss possible ways we can help. Please note that you may not apply for additional funding from another EU source as the Scheme is already part funded by the EU LEADER+ Programme. If we cannot support your project we will try to advise you of other funders. Completion of the project must take place between April 2007 and mid March 2008. The closing date for applications is 1 October 2007. More Information Application forms and guidance notes can be found on the Cairngorms National Park Authority website at www.cairngorms.co.uk or we can email or post the forms direct to you. All previously approved projects are also listed on the website. New projects will be added so that ideas can be shared and clashes between events avoided. Before completing your application, please contact the staff at: Cairngorms National Park Community Investment Programme (t) 01479 870543 (e) patriciamethven@cairngorms.co.uk Cairngorms National Park Authority 14 The Square Grantown on Spey Moray PH26 3HG www.cairngorms.co.uk Images: Leader+ logo, Scottish Natural Heritage logo, The Highland Council logo, Angus Council logo, Cairngorms National Park Authority logo, Cairngorms National Park brand logo. Community Investment Programme -2007 2008 Image: photograph of visitors at stalls